
Photos: Niclas Ahlberg (golden eagle), Stefan Oscarsson/N (three-toed woodpecker)


The Project

Baltic Wings is a cross-border co-operation, promoting the central Baltic area as a birding and nature tourism destination. The project lasted between 2018–2020 with partners from Sweden, Åland/Finland and Latvia.


Baltic Wings has been focusing on developing high-standard birding attractions in order to attract more nature lovers and extend the tourism season, which is much needed in order to develop the countryside. The area is important for migrating birds, has great natural beauty and excellent birding opportunities in all seasons. Birding platforms, trails, hides, nature information signs and exhibitions has been constructed. Tours packages with or without guide have been produced and information folders and maps printed. Hopefully this website will make the area accessible to keen birders and nature lovers.


By involving local partners who can develop tourism services, new work opportunities in rural areas have been created. Local guides are important for high-quality tours and guide education was an important part of the project.


The project partners include non-governmental organisations with members volunteering in the project as well as a national authority, a municipality and a small private enterprise.


Partners and funding

Stockholms Ornitologiska Förening   |   Stockholm Bird Association

(Lead partner, Sweden)

Föreningen Närsholmen   |   Närsholmen Society (Sweden)

Kökar kommun   |   Kökar Municipality (Åland)

Dabas aizsardzibas parvalde   |   Nature Conservation Agency (Latvia)

Associated Partners

Ekoturismföreningen  |  The Swedish Ecotourism Society (Sweden)

Skärgårdsstiftelsen   |  The Archipelago Foundation (Sweden)

Moonsund Eco OÜ  |  Moonsund Eco Ltd (Estonia)


Project duration


Total budget

1,438,273 euros


Main financing

European Union, Interreg Central Baltic; 1,100,272 euros from the European Regional Development Fund

Co financing

Stockholms läns landsting | Stockholm County Council

Stockholms stad |  Stockholm Community

Länsstyrelsen i Stockholms län  |  County Administration Board of Stockholm

Region Gotland  |  Gotland Municipality 

Ålands landskapsregering  |  Government of Åland 


The Birding

The central Baltic area has many different biotopes, suitable for a rich and interesting fauna with many species that are rare in the rest of Europe.


During migration the Arctic species pass, rest and feed along extensive undeveloped coastal areas – grasslands or bare, small islands in the archipelago.


During winter, Arctic waterfowl including large numbers of Long-tailed Ducks and rare ducks as the Steller’s Eider spend their time feeding in the central Baltic. Owls, woodpeckers and eagles can be seen all seasons and brighten birding during winter and early spring.

In summertime, the grazed meadows along our coasts, the rugged islands of the archipelago and boreal forests offer peaceful wildlife experiences, away from the crowds.